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How to make your 20% look 100%.

Contribution from Racer 88

I’m just a noob when it comes to building guns. But, I’ve been working with my hands in some fashion for my whole life (coming up on 58 trips around the sun). And, I rather enjoy teaching and demonstrating techniques I have found helpful in my professional and other endeavors. So, it wouldn't be long before I did the same in this facet of the firearms experience! 😎

How I got here.

After shooting a friend’s P80 build at the range, I bought my first P80 frame about 2 years ago with the idea that MAYBE some day I’ll build a gun. And, there it sat in my closet. The recent political saber-rattling about “ghost guns” compelled me to get my ass in gear. The President, himself, said that anyone can, “just order a kit through the mail, and in 30 MINUTES have a working gun!” Well, hell… I can surely spare a half hour to have my very own “ghost gun!” 😉

So, I dove into the P80 pool… DEEP. When I decide to pursue an interest, I jump in with both feet. I gotsta know EVERYTHING. And soon!

Luckily, I stumbled across an MGB video on Youtube. At first, I thought “Damn, this guy is long-winded.” But, wait… who ELSE do I know like that? 😉 Then, I realized he’s a perfectionist, even when perfection is not required. Who else do I know like that?? It takes one to know one! He’s speakin’ my language! From there, I found this MGB forum and a truly fine group of helpful and friendly people.

OK… let’s get on with the subject at hand: How to finish a frame that doesn’t look like you turned a rabid rat loose on it after binging on bath salts.

Be kind to the plastic!

One thing I’ve learned about working on plastic, or POLYMER if we are feeling sophisticated, is that it’s not like working on hard materials such as metal or even wood. It’s SOFT. So, abrasive and cutting instruments will remove material very quickly. Furthermore, plastic is “grabby.” It will grab that rotary instrument and PULL it in. Cue Homer Simpson’s, “D’OH!”

Another property of plastic is that frictional heat will MELT it. Electric motor-powered tools have a lot of torque. They don’t stall if you press hard. They keep going, and the friction will QUICKLY generate heat. A lot of heat. And, plastic no likey heat. Ask me how I know!

I was polishing the shelf with a felt spear point like in MGB's video.

Whoops! Too much pressure! Had to trash the housing. (You can skip polishing the housing altogether, IMO.)

Another challenge of using rotary tools on small movable items is chatter. Chatter can happen when the tool AND the material or item being worked on are not being held steady in relationship to each other. It makes for a choppy, boogered up surface.

The Dremel tool is ironically quite unwieldly for something that is designed to do fine intricate work. It’s heavy. It’s fat and cannot be gripped like a pencil or paintbrush. It’s like trying to conduct an orchestra with a baseball bat instead of a proper baton.

Using a much narrower and lighter flex-shaft handpiece attachment for more delicate procedures helps with that issue. However, both the Dremel and flex-shaft have the additional burden of an electrical cord or cable shaft, which add weight and torque while holding and using the respective tools. This causes hand fatigue (yeah, it’s a thing), which makes for shaky work.

So, you’ve got a rather vulnerable piece of plastic in one shaky hand being subjected to a heavy high-speed high-torque rotary cutting instrument in the other shaky hand. This piece of plastic is destined to become a device intended to contain an explosion that hurls a piece of deadly metal downrange with PRECISION. If you fuck it up, at BEST it won’t work. At worst, someone could get hurt, including you.

Take control !

How do we avoid all that? With CONTROL. You’ve got to have control over the tool and the material you’re working on. Similarly, in precision rifle shooting (another passion of mine)… The more points of contact you have between the firearm, your body, and the ground (or other structural foundation), the steadier everything in the “system” will be.

Where to start? First we need to lock down the frame. For obvious reasons (I hope!), clamping it directly in a vise is a no-go. I picked up a nifty and rather simple device called the “Ergo Mast.” It’s a $15 piece of plastic molded to fit into the mag well of your frame. It also has a notch to lock into the magazine catch. But, even without the mag catch installed on your frame, the Ergo Mast will steady the frame very nicely. The Ergo Mast can be secured to your bench top via their own optional base, which is bolted to the bench.

It can also be clamped into your bench vise, which I prefer since my vise can be moved and positioned as needed on my bench.

With the frame secured, you now have BOTH hands available to control the tool being used, whether it be a Dremel, flex-shaft, sanding block, Exacto blade, pin vise drill, etc. Having both hands available allows better control of the tool via multiple contact points between your hands, the tool, AND the immovable frame. This allows for very fine and controlled manipulation of the tool on the frame.

Your dominant hand, naturally, is mostly involved in controlling the tool. Though, it may also have some contact with the frame. Your non-dominant, or support, hand is used to steady the tool and provide contact with the frame via “finger rests” or “fulcrums.”

As I mentioned earlier, plastic can be vulnerable to damage with heavy pressure and poorly controlled tools (shakes, grabbing, chatter). When you have control of everything, you get First Time Quality results!

In this photo, you can also see how I looped the flex-shaft cable over my task light to reduce torque and weight, allowing much finer control of the handpiece in this vertical orientation.

Slow your roll and 'channel' your inner craftsman.

My advice to other noobs (and even build veterans!): Watch MGB's videos. Then watch them again. Go SLOW. Use LIGHT pressure. It’s easier to remove a tiny bit of material at a time. It’s easy to “take a little more.” It’s much harder (and sometimes impossible) to add material back. With polishing, it’s the same thing. Tread LIGHTLY. It’s far better to make many light strokes with the polishing instrument than to be in a hurry go hot and heavy. Don’t rush it! Woo that plastic into a factory-looking sharp and smooth finish and high shine.

I believe that a First Time Quality home built pistol begins and ends with the frame finishing. On the forum, we’ve talked about “Tolerance Stacking” as it pertains to the internal components of the gun. I believe that “stacking” starts from the very beginning… before you even start throwing in the parts. If the frame is crap, the problems START "stacking" there.

I understand the excitement of a first build. Woohooo! I’m building a gun! I want to show it off. And, I want to shoot this bad boy as soon as possible! Slow down and hold your fire, Sparky! It will save you so much trouble, AND it will create a FTQ result you can be proud of.

My first build!

My friend who got me into precision rifle shooting said something that applies to most things in life: “A lot of little things add up to a big thing.”

A parting shot.

Lastly… Mr. President. You, sir, are full of shit. I estimate I’ve spent at LEAST 20 - 30 HOURS, not minutes, DIRECTLY on my first build. That doesn’t include the countless hours of watching videos and time spent on forums researching and learning from others. To get things working right, I had to source parts and tools from dozens of sources. And, this gun cost FAR more than the same model gun purchased retail. Actual criminals aren’t passionate hobbyists. They’re just going to buy a gun much faster and much cheaper from their thug cohorts on the street. Leave us Freedom Protectors alone, you leftist tyrant!

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At the FCU gunsmith school, we offer comprehensive training in the art and science of gunsmithing. Our gunsmith classes cover a wide range of topics, from basic firearm repair to advanced custom gunsmithing techniques. Students who enroll in our program can expect to receive hands-on training in firearm maintenance and repair, as well as in-depth instruction in the use of specialized tools and equipment. Our gunsmith training program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful gunsmiths. Whether you're interested in starting your own business or working for a firearms manufacturer or repair shop, our gunsmith apprenticeship program will give you the foundation you need to succeed in this exciting field. One of the key components of our gunsmith school is our gunsmith certification program. Graduates of our program will receive a certificate of completion, which is recognized by employers and customers as evidence of their knowledge and skill as a gunsmith. In addition to traditional gunsmithing techniques, our firearm repair training program also covers cutting-edge technologies and methods used in custom gunsmithing. From engraving and custom finishes, to building custom rifles and pistols, our gunsmithing course will give you the skills and knowledge needed to create one-of-a-kind firearms. Our gunsmith program is designed to be flexible and accessible to students of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to start a new career or an experienced gun enthusiast looking to take your skills to the next level, our gunsmith school has something to offer.

Freedom Crew University’s online firearm training school offers a wide range of courses to help individuals improve their firearm skills and knowledge. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics of gun handling and safety, or an experienced shooter looking to take your skills to the next level, we have the training you need. Our concealed carry training course is designed to teach individuals the skills and knowledge needed to safely and legally carry a concealed firearm. This course covers the legal aspects of concealed carry, as well as the proper techniques for carrying and deploying a concealed firearm. For those looking to improve their self-defense skills, our self defense training course is the perfect choice. This course covers the principles of self defense, as well as the use of firearms for personal protection. Students will learn about the legal and ethical considerations of self defense, and will have the opportunity to practice their skills in simulated self defense scenarios. Firearm safety is of the utmost importance, and our firearm safety training course is designed to teach individuals how to handle firearms safely. This course covers the basic rules of gun safety, as well as the proper techniques for loading, unloading, and storing firearms. We also offer specialized training courses such as handgun training, rifle training and shotgun training. These courses will help individuals to improve their accuracy and proficiency with specific types of firearms. Our tactical training course is designed for individuals interested in learning advanced firearms tactics, such as close-quarters combat and low-light shooting. We also offer NRA training courses, which are taught by certified instructors and cover a wide range of topics, including personal protection, rifle, shotgun, and handgun training. Our firearm instructor training course is designed for individuals who are interested in becoming certified firearms instructors. We also have CCW training course, which will help individuals to understand the legal aspect and requirements for getting concealed carry permit in their state. Our firearm range training course will provide individuals with the opportunity to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment. Our defensive shooting training course will teach individuals how to effectively use a firearm in a defensive situation. This course covers the principles of defensive shooting, as well as the proper techniques for responding to a threat. We also have advanced firearm training courses such as advanced handgun, advanced rifle and advanced shotgun training which will help individuals to improve their proficiency and skills with specific types of firearms. In addition to the above, we also offer firearm maintenance training, firearm law training, firearm competition training, firearm hunting training, firearm self defense training, and firearm security training. All our courses are taught by experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping students improve their skills and knowledge.

Our online Glock school offers a wide range of training courses to meet the needs of any shooter. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, we have something for you. The training courses include Glock armorer training, maintenance training, and repair courses. Our expert instructors will teach you the skills you need to properly maintain and repair your Glock firearms. Our Glock customization training courses will teach you how to personalize your Glock to suit your individual needs and preferences. From simple upgrades like installing new sights, to more complex modifications like trigger work, our customization training will help you get the most out of your firearm.

We also offer Glock self-defense training, concealed carry training, and competition training. Our experienced instructors will teach you the proper techniques for shooting accurately and safely, whether you're using your Glock for self-defense, competition, or hunting. For those looking for advanced training, we offer Glock advanced courses, instructor training, and tactical training. These courses are designed for shooters who want to take their skills to the next level, and teach the tactics and techniques used by professionals in law enforcement and the military. Our Glock CCW training is designed to help you obtain your concealed carry permit and teach you the safe and responsible handling of your firearm while carrying it concealed. Our Glock range training will help you learn how to shoot accurately and safely on the range. Our Glock firearms safety training course covers the basic concepts of firearms safety and covers the safe handling, storage, and transportation of firearms. We also offer Glock gunsmithing classes, Glock armorer certification and troubleshooting training, trigger control training, disassembly and reassembly training, and holster selection and deployment training. Our Glock firearms maintenance training course will teach you how to properly clean and lubricate your Glock to ensure it functions properly and lasts for many years to come. FCU’s online Glock school, we offer a comprehensive selection of training courses that cover all aspects of Glock ownership and use, from basic maintenance and repair to advanced shooting techniques and tactical training. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we have something for you.

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