Contribution from DollaDev & Video from Gledhill customs
This is my first build, completed back in Feb. with the help of the MGB vids ✌🏽. I decided to try stippling and framework. These are my first after practicing for almost two months. I’ve been working on framework and polishing also. With the 1TQ (First Time Quality) knowledge gained from MGB you’re already closer than you think.

This is the first one that shoots. I worked the double undercut and mag release scallop a bit. I also stippled the second undercut and right shooter’s ledge (Ima lucky lefty). STAY AWAY FROM THE X-TRONIC 3020 SODIER GUN. Don’t ask me how I know just don’t buy it. It’s highest temp setting is too low and it doesn’t accept OT Defense tips even with an adapter. I used the $200 OT Defense kit with the 30w gun. I also use a Lenk 25w gun depending on the polymer and pattern (or tip). I have several pistols and a bunch of ar furniture to stipple so the kit will pay for itself. P80 polymer is different than Glock polymer and others so having wood burners with different temps helps. The kit came with over 30 tips and I had already bought a few.
I used the “thong” tip and chose to go random because linear patterns don’t hide mistakes at all. I already had all the tools for framework and cutting the borders from the MGB master tools list.
It’s not as easy as it looks and I’m still practicing. Btw, the OT Defense guy is a vet. Hella good vids on his channel and he’s got hella fast delivery on orders.

The hardest part is the borders. Practice prep work as much or more than stippling. All of the tools for prep are in MGB’s tool list and the OT Defense 30w kit is what I used for stippling. I also have a 25w gun for different polymers and I just got a desktop magnifying glass for border work hoping to clean them up. Note the polymer your working with and pick patterns accordingly - I’m still struggling with this. There are plenty of how to YouTube vids out there and check out StippGrips , Dave Modz and Risen Gun Works for inspiration. I say try it. Pride in ownership and confidence for future builds go through the roof.

They have way more grip than OEM. They’ve been flashed down quite a bit to melt rough sharp edges and smooth out the texture. P80‘s polymer comes out rougher than Glock’s and takes more work with the heat gun to knock it down. Magpul’s polymer is even worse. You can see the difference in the pic of the 940sc above. The mag is OEM Glock and took very little to smooth it out. You can also see the mag is actually blacker than the frame. The difference in polymer seems to affect polishing also. P80 and Magpul is even harder. I’d stick with a 25w gun for a Glock frame. I‘ve tried both the 25w and the 30w on the P80’s and could go either way depending on the pattern. Magpul takes the 30w gun on the furniture but I haven’t done one of their mags yet.
PF45 ready for the wood burner other than some minor clean up.
Practice Sheets are available at OT Defense
Gun Stippling Basics: Stippling Patterns & Techniques
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